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You are the #solutiontoclimatechange


You? Yes. You, your family, your business, your event. We all need to get to net zero emissions. Start the transition today!

Join these organizations and let us support you in becoming a climate leader.

For Businesses / Organizations

For Individuals and Families

For (Hawai'i) Events


About us


At CarbonBuddy we are convinced that everyone of us can take action and be part of the solution. Why wait on somebody else if we can create the kind of future we want to live in today? We also know not everyone wants to make climate change the center of their lives - that's why CarbonBuddy was created. Our goal is to support you in living a responsible, climate friendly life with ease. Become a ClimateBuddy!

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CarbonBuddy is a Kuleana Green Business Member at the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce.