CarbonBuddy for Businesses & Organizations

Are you looking for a strong partner in addressing climate change? Do you want to prepare your business/organization for a carbon constrained world and offer climate friendly products or services? Then we invite you to benefit from CarbonBuddy's innovative approach combining efficiency and offsetting. Our goal is to minimize your costs and maximize your business' as well as the climates benefits. CarbonBuddy is here to support you from the first step to a successful implementation. Let us support you in becoming a climate leader and reduce your operating costs. We provide a range of tools and services that can be adapted to your needs. You will be surprised how simple and quick it is to offer the carbon neutral services/ products your customers and other stakeholders are looking for.


Our calculation tools  are designed to suit specific needs and cover Scope 1, Scope 2 and allow to include a variety of Scope 3 emissions as outlined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.

Our products and services include

Convenient online emission calculation for Hawai'i Businesses, Hawai'i Tourism Businesses and Global Small Businesses including Scope 1, Scope 2 and selected Scope 3 emissions.

Reduce energy consumption. As Certified Energy Manager (CEM ®), CarbonBuddy staff can support you in reducing your energy bills. Use less and become more competitive.

#ClimateBuddyMap to display your climate action to the world, your customers and stakeholders.

Marketing and informational material like the #CarbonDashboard, the ClimateBuddyLabel, and an Infosheet to display your climate action on your website, social media, your store(s) and product(s).

A webpage at where your customers/stakeholders can find information on the offset project they support and how everything works.

Peace of mind. CarbonBuddy will offset your emissions via certified projects. Plus, CarbonBuddy staff is highly trained and certified (i.e. Certified Energy Manager®)




Calculate. Start calculating your business emissions with one of our convenient, online calculators. This can start at any given time. Ideally, emissions are calculated using information of the most recent full calendar (recommended) or fiscal year. The calculators are designed to be used without guidance. However, it is recommended to contact us when you start the process. We have some valuable tips for the calculation process and can simply support you best when communicating from the very beginning. Write us at:


Offset. Once emission are determined, there are two options:

  1. Emissions are offset by the business upfront and then collected via a mandatory (or optional) "carbon fee" which is added to the service / product sold (recommended), or
  2. Emissions are offset only via an optional contribution by customers. Offset amount is therefore dependent on customer contributions.


Sell climate friendly products/services. CarbonBuddy will prepare material for your business depending on its eligibility and make materials available to you. If all emissions are offset, you will i.e. receive the "ClimateBuddy" label for your organization.


Start saving! CarbonBuddy is your energy expert. Offsetting is the first step to become a climate friendly business. However, our goal is to support you in reducing your energy consumption. This will result in reduced spending in energy while also reduce your offset needs. We want you to stop wasting energy because it's bad for your bottom line, for your health, for the environment and future generations. Stop wasting - Start saving -  Stay in business.


Questions? Email us at:

Spread the word on your climate action

After you have calculated and offset emissions, you can use these tools to let your customers/guests know about your climate leadership.*

*Please note that not all tools might be available to your business. Eligibility depends on offsetting.


Put your leadership on a map exclusively for climate friendly businesses, organizations, events and individuals.


Get your businesses / organizations  #Carbondashboard and show your climate leadership to your stakeholders.


Display the ClimateBuddyLabel and show your guests / customers your climate leadership anywhere.


Use this Infosheet to display your commitment. Provide this to your customers where they have a minute.

Global Small Businesses

Hawaii Businesses, Toursim Businesses

Tools and Services

CarbonBuddy on Facebook

CarbonBuddy on Instagram

CarbonBuddy on LinkedIn

CarbonBuddy on YouTube

CarbonBuddy is a Kuleana Green Business Member at the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce.