Climate Change Encyclopedia started to offset emissions with CarbonBuddy in 2019. They are a group of eighth graders working on the Lexus Eco Challenge choosing to spread the word about climate change, and at a bake sale raised over $ 200 to offset emissions with Climate Buddy. We hope to work against climate change! Find out more about their climate leadership at!

ClimateBuddy*:             11/2019 - 11/2020

*ClimateBuddy - means that this Business, Organization or Event has offset 100% of calculated emissions.


Learn more about their work at or write them at:


Find out more about this business / organization on the #ClimateBuddyMap by searching for its name.

The Story:

We are a group of eighth graders working on the Lexus Eco Challenge. We chose to spread the word about climate change, and at a bake sale raised over $ 200 to donate to Climate Buddy. We hope to work against climate change! Visit our website at

11/2019 - 11/2020

Climate Change Encyclopedia has supported the following projects with its emission offset contributions:


Time period Supported project
11/2019 - 11/2020 India - Renewable Energy from Chicken Manure

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CarbonBuddy on YouTube

CarbonBuddy is a Kuleana Green Business Member at the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce.