How we Offset Emissions

In short

When you offset with CarbonBuddy, a minimum of 75% of your offset contribution will go towards projects.

CarbonBuddy offers different ways to offset your emissions. Here we explain how your offset contribution is allocated depending on your choices. This cost breakdown does not apply to other purchases besides offsets that you might take with CarbonBuddy.

You can purchase offsets from CarbonBuddy either via our online store or directly after calculating your emissions with one of our convenient and easy-to-use online emission calculation and offset tools. Regardless where you purchase offsets with CarbonBuddy, we guarantee that at least 75% of your offset contribution will go towards projects. The other 25% are used to provide our service to you and improve it in the future.

Each dot represents one cent of every offset dollar  you spend with CarbonBuddy.

Why is there an international project included, when I purchase a Hawai'i based (local) or Kiva offset project/option?

When you offset via a local or Kiva offset option, we want to ensure, that all your emissions are offset by a certified project. Since there are non of these available yet in Hawai'i and the small scale Kiva projects are also not certified, you are purchasing a package that consists of an international (certified project) offset as well the local project or Kiva option you have selected. This package solution ensures, that your emissions will be offset and certified emission reduction (CER) units will be retired by CarbonBuddy on your behalf. At the same time you are supporting the local project you have selected which often are small projects for which a certification is not feasible or small scale projects via our Kiva account. Questions? Contact us!

Our calculation and offset tools

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CarbonBuddy is a Kuleana Green Business Member at the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce.