support projects

Project: Kiva - Loans that change lives!

Project type: Renewable Energy, agriculture

Country: Different Countries

Area/Distric/State: Varies

Certification: No certification (small scale)

Price: 20.00 US$/t

Select the Kiva offset option and we will offset your calculated emissions (through one of the certified project available here) and support small scale projects around the world at the same time. For each ton of emissions you offset using this option, we will forward $10 to projects To find out which projects CarbonBuddy supports, and how your contribution is used, visit our lender page at here. It has never been more convenient to tackle climate change and inequality at the same time!

CarbonBuddy constantly invests in and develops new projects. Therefore, please stop by again. Projects we offer reduce future emissions in the fields of Solar, Wind, Waste handling, Efficiency, and Reforestation. However, not all categories might be available at all times.

Can't find something you like? Want to offset more than we currently offer? Contact us at and we will help you out!

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CarbonBuddy is a Kuleana Green Business Member at the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce.