Project type: Wind
Country: Philippines
Area/District/State: -
Certification: CDM
Price: 10.00 US$/t (1ton is enough to offset approx. 110gal of gasoline, 1350kWh of electricity or 4.5 hours of flight time*)
This CDM project consists of the installation and operation of 50 Vestas V90 (3MW) wind turbines which is fed to a substation of the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines.
With this offset option you are actively supporting the project described. You can choose different amounts of offsetting depending on your needs in 0.5t increments. The price of this project is 10.00 US$/t. You will receive one certificate stating the total amount you chose to offset in this purchase. Please note: 1kg is equivalent to 2.205lbs or 1t = 2205lbs.
*The values displayed are only intended to give you an estimate. Emissions produced by electricity consumption can vary greatly depending on how the electricity at your place of residence is generated. Emission estimate for flights include climate impact through contrails and ozone formation but also depend on aircraft type and capacity utilization.