Transparency / Responsibility

CarbonBuddy Climate Impact

We are not only providing the service of the #CarbonDashboard to you, we are also applying it to our own to show you we walk the talk. CarbonBuddy is a climate neutral Business since day one! Click the Button to see our track record.

How we calculate emissions

It is important to us that you can understand how your emissions are calculated when you use our tools and services. Click the Button to see how it works.

How we offset emissions

Interested to find out what happens to your money when you offset with CarbonBuddy? Click the Button to see how it works.

Quality of products and services

Whether we offer our own projects or the ones of a third party, you can be sure that we check their quality before making them available. That's why many of the international projects we offer are Gold Standard certified. Local projects are certified if the size of the project makes this feasible. In case there is no certification, we will instead provide even more information on it so you can be assured that you are supporting something worthwhile.

We always provide our service to the best of our abilities and follow internationally recognized standards whenever possible.


Within the first quarter of each year CarbonBuddy releases a comprehensive report disclosing information on the activities of the past year. Reports contain information on projects and other activities CarbonBuddy was involved in the previous year.

Leading by Example

At CarbonBuddy we are convinced that leading by example is one of the most powerful things one can do. Therefore we are committed to do so and let you know what this means. Since 2019 we are a Kuleana Green Business Member of the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce as well as an active member of the Sustainability Committee (see footer).

Here are our commitments to sustainability and emission neutrality:


  • ENERGY  - We are emission neutral since day one of operation
    • We are purchasing energy star electronics for our operation
    • The two vehicles we use for the business have an average MPG of 43 and >50. Gasoline and Diesel consumed by these vehicles is offset in the following year through Offset certificates (see annual reports). In 2018 we replaced one diesel vehicle with a cleaner Hybrid vehicle with similar MPG
    • Our coffee maker has an insulated mug so there is no need for a heating pad to keep the coffee warm
    • We limit all air-travel to a necessary amount and offset all flights (see our #Carbondashboard)
  • RESOURCES - We use recycled materials whenever possible and sort our trash
    • In 2019 we switched to an Epson ecotank printer to reduce trash from cartridges
    • Paper used in the office and for outreach material is either recycled or comes from certified sustainable forests in our office in that order. Only if non of these options are available we use (new" paper (i.e. for some labels)
    • We do not consume bottled water at our office - instead we bring water from a water filtration system in reusable bottles
    • Our coffee maker has a stainless steel filter and we do not use paper filters to brew coffee. Coffee we consume is either local Hawaiian Coffee or certified organic coffee from somewhere else.
    • We recycle and separate the trash in our office to all categories available at the local transfer station
    • We compost all organic food scraps and nothing goes into the trash
  • COMMUNITY - We are active in the community and volunteer
    • Master Gardener West Hawai'i (2016-2017)
    • Friends of Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden (occasionally)
    • Habitat restoration with different organizations


If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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CarbonBuddy is a Kuleana Green Business Member at the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce.