This could be the page of your Business/Organization.

[Your Business] has started to offset emissions from its operation in the beginning of MONTH YYYY. This means, .... (here will follow a short description explaining to your customers what services they can enjoy and the difference they make by choosing to do it carbon neutral. This page is intended to serve as a source of information for your customers. If your staff will get asked about your offsetting efforts, you can simply refer them to this page and we'll do the explaining for you.

Of course this page is optional. However, we recommend it as a measure of transparency and provided at no extra charge if you offset 100% of your emissions with CarbonBuddy for a period of 1year or more. Find us on the #ClimateBuddyMap.

EMISSIONS OFFSET:  XXX.XX metric tons (carbon dioxide equivalent emissions in YYYY)

Your Logo here

The Story:

Here your customers can find "your story". this is a max. 500 character text composed by you/your organization explaining why you are offsetting emissions. This piece will also appear on your record in the #ClimateBuddyMap if you choose to become part of it.


This Business has supported the following projects with its emission offset contributions:


Time period Supported project
 MM/YYYY - MM/YYYY i.e. Hawai'i based solar project: Hawaiian Community Assets

Are you visiting Hawaii? You can easily calculate your trips entire emissions within a few minutes and enjoy a carbon neutral Hawaii vacation!

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CarbonBuddy is a Kuleana Green Business Member at the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce.